Design and Create advertisements that can produce results in Japan! Explaining the elements that appeal to the Japanese consumer base

update date:2024.06.27

release date:2024.06.27

It is fair to say that the most important element for advertising results is creativity.
Especially in Japan, where anime and manga culture is prevalent, the design element of creatives are very important.
In this article, we will explain in detail about designs and creatives that can produce results in Japan.
“I want to know what kind of designs can make a good impression with Japanese people.”
“I want my business in Japan to succeed.”
If you have any of these questions or similar dilemmas please take a look at this article.

What is design and creativity in advertising?

Design and creatives in advertising refers to the following three categories.

  • Text (headlines, taglines, etc.)
  • Images (banners, etc.)
  • Video

Ad creatives have a significant impact on sales, and there have been cases where even a slight change in the elements above has resulted in a 10-fold increase in the number of CVs.
Therefore, it is important to carefully consider ad creativity and refine it through repeated effectiveness verification and improvement.

Five Points for Design and Creatives that Pop out to the Japanese Consumer Base

Some people may want to create advertising creatives, but are unsure of what points to keep in mind.
Here are 5 points that we consider the most important. 

①Be aware of simple structure

Japanese people basically read advertisements briefly while they pass by a building or while scrolling through a website. Therefore, what is important in advertising creativity is whether or not it leaves a strong impression upon a quick glance.
For example, in text, it is better to convey benefits and advantages in a short and catchy manner, rather than writing too much in a rambling or an explanatory manner.
It is also important to place what you want to convey at the top, considering the Z rule (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right), and to be conscious of design that takes into account the fact that the message will be seen from the top.

②Include people and smiling faces in the images.

Although this is not necessarily applicable depending on the product, it is important to include not only product images but also people and smiling faces in the images used in advertisements.
Japanese consumers are skeptical, so an image that shows “how the product will be used” is more trustworthy than an image that only shows the product.
In addition, if you are targeting a demographic with families, it will be more effective if you can include family photos.
Consider a design that includes people so that the product looks attractive to the target audience.

③Include numbers

Japanese people place great importance on the reliability of a product or service. For this reason, it is effective to use numbers that can visibly show the track record of the product or service.
By including numbers, the following effects can be expected

  • It evokes a concrete image
  • The results are more persuasive (e.g., 99% of people were satisfied)
  • Increases memory retention
  • Easily promptable action

However, it is important to note, excessive use of numbers can have the opposite effect.
Maintain an appropriate balance, such as limiting the number of points to about three.

④Consider effective color selection

Each color has its own unique image and effect associated with it. For example,

  • Red: passion, excitement, appetite, danger
  • Blue: calm, intelligence, honesty, trust
  • Green: nature, healing, growth, safety
  • Yellow: brightness, energy, hope, caution
  • purple: luxury, mystery, creativity, intelligence

These are just a few examples.
By taking these factors into account and choosing colors that match your products and services, you can make them more effective.
In addition, the following points should be considered when choosing a color scheme.

  • Don’t use primary or pure colors: they make the eyes flicker and make it difficult to see
  • Avoid halos: Avoid fluorescent colors, complementary color combinations, etc
  • Avoid color clashes with backgrounds: do not use similar colors for backgrounds and text
  • Match tones as much as possible: use the same hue, but with similar lightness, darkness, and saturation

There is no right answer to color schemes, as each individual has his or her own preferences.
However, it is important to be conscious of “color schemes that are in line with the target audience” and “color schemes that are easy to understand by anyone” so that information is conveyed correctly.

⑤Fonts leave a lasting impression

Font is one of the essential design elements to leave a lasting impression on the viewer of an advertisement.
For example, considering simple Mincho and Gothic fonts, the following images can be given.

Mincho font
 ・Delicate, smart
 ・Intellectual, elegant
 ・Mature, Japanese style

Example: Restaurants
→When you want to give a mature or elegant impression, such as French cuisine or kappo (Japanese cooking), you can easily grasp the image by using Mincho fonts.

 ・Strong, simple
 ・Stand out, fun

Example: Restaurants
→By using Gothic typeface for casual restaurants such as yakiniku (barbeque) and popular izakaya (Japanese style pub), you can push fun and liveliness using gothic fonts.
In addition to Mincho and Gothic, there are various other fonts such as Gyogoshi and Round Gothic. When choosing a font, it is important to be aware of the image of your product or service and your target audience.

Points to keep in mind when creating designs and creatives

Be aware of the user’s point of view

When creating design and creatives, it is important to be aware of the user’s perspective, taking into account the needs and challenges of the user.
Before creating a design/creative, please be aware of the following.

  • Clarify the target audience (gender, age, lifestyle, etc.)
  • Research the target’s concerns and issues (search, social media, surveys, etc.)
  • Consider two or more appealing angles of patterns (for verification)

A common mistake is to create creatives from the company’s perspective in an effort to convey the appeal of the product. After creation, be sure to check carefully whether it is important or appealing from the user’s point of view.

Use high quality images

Images used in advertisements should be as clear and have the highest resolution as possible.
High-quality images not only attract users’ attention, but also enhance credibility and brand image.
Conversely, poor quality images not only do not lead to sales, but can also give users a bad impression of your brand.
In addition, it is recommended that images be created in the recommended size for each medium. Using the recommended size improves design and creative legibility and enhances visual appeal.

 Example: Facebook
 ・1:1 (square) 1080 x 1080 pixels
 ・1.91:1 (landscape) 1280 x 670 pixels

Update regularly

Ad creatives tend to become less effective as CTR begins to drop over time.
Therefore, it is important to update creatives regularly to maintain the effectiveness of your ads.
As for frequency, updating once a week or every two weeks is considered appropriate. (to avoid user boredom).
However, since this will vary depending on the target audience and products, be sure to check the effectiveness of your creative by checking the numbers.
Also, checking the creative is important to gain user trust, as it prevents the distribution of outdated information.


The design and creative production of an advertisement is very important because it makes the biggest difference in results.
The two most important points for creatives that stand out to Japanese consumers’ are whether it leaves a lasting impression and whether it is credible.
However, there is no correct answer to design and creativity.
Make sure to carefully assess your target audience, and do not forget to verify and update the effectiveness of your ads to maximize results.
If you are interested in distributing advertisements in Japan, please feel free to contact us as well and we will be more than delighted to help.